Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Converting Classic UI console to touch UI console

We can install ACS Commons Package and refer below sample component

and which is referred in 
and which takes care to conver classic UI console to Touch UI console and now redirects to new path

Steps to create custom dashboard:
1) Copy /apps/acs-commons/components/utilities/generic-list-console and paste it at path
/apps/cq/core/content  and the rename it as required (Eg: MyConsole) and update items and properties as required.
2) Refer /apps/cq/core/content/nav/tools/acs-commons/generic-lists and create same at path /apps/cq/core/content/nav/tools with parent node similar to /acs-commons
3) In this node href property value will be path of MyConsole Page created above and append .html in this path value
4) Now this /apps/cq/core/content/MyConsole/jcr:content/actions/selection
will not have few actions enabled by default ie Edit, Quick Publish and Manage Publish
so you can refer these action from below exisitng path and copy in your newly created component
5) On click on create page which template should be used in configured in JS
6) If nt:files also needs to be displayed then for each view's we need to go to datasource node 
Eg: /apps/cq/core/content/MyConsole/jcr:content/views/column/datasource
Replace sling:resourceType  value from cq/gui/components/common/wcm/datasources/childpages
to cq/gui/components/common/wcm/datasources/childresources

Note: Upload Files option is not present in Sites, its present only in Assets.

Icons available OOTB [which can be used to dispaly in touch UI console]:
asset, adobeMarketingCloud, alert, archive,
box, briefcase
curate, code, cloud, creditCard, clockCheck, copy, collection
data, download, dataUser, dataEdit, dataUpload, devicePreview, demographic, deviceDesktop
fileTemplate, folderGear, filterCheck, fileZip,folderSearch, filingCabinet, form, folder, fileTxt, fileCode, fileWorkflow
gear, gears, gearsEdit, globeExit, globe, gauge4, graphTrend
history, heart
imageAlbum, images, imageProfile
login, launch, linkCheck, linkNav
multiple, mBox, 
pages, page, pageGear, publish, pageRule, playCircle, paste, project
ribbon, report, railBottom, revenue
shield, stock, servers, stopwatch, search, shoppingCart, selectContainer
text, tag, targeted, textColor
users, user, usersExclude
viewList, visit, viewGrid

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